Deciding to Regulate

In Concept 9 (C9), learners explore metacognitive skills that help us regulate with more independence and agency. We learn the Stop, Opt & Go strategy as way to build impulse control, develop thoughtful decision-making, and incorporate problem-solving skills to use in moment-to-moment regulation. In Stop, Opt & Go, first we pause or stop before acting upon our instinct or impulse, then we think through the options we have in a situation and how they may or may not work out for us, which may include using a regulation tool. Last, we identify our goal to help us choose the option that will work out best going forward.

Sample suggestion of how to deliver this concept in three 20 to 30-minute increments:
  • I can pause to think about my options and goals before acting.
  • I can decide if using a regulation tool will help in a situation..

Concept 9 Guide

Interactive Presentation

Group Activity

Stop, Opt & Go
Stop, Opt & Go Board

Check for Learning


Geared Activities

Gear 1

Goals Memory Match
Options Obstacle Course
Stop, Opt & Go Scenario

Gear 2

Now and Later Goals Timeline
Reflecting on My Decisions
Stop, Opt & Go Plan

Gear 3

Stop, Opt & Debate
Investigating Impulses
Climbing Toward My Goals

Zones Visuals

Common Goal Icons
Stop, Opt & Go Outlines
Stop, Opt & Go Stoplight
Stop, Opt & Go (write)