This is the home page for The Zones of Regulation’s digital products.

For purchasing information about either of these products, please visit

The Zones of Regulation Digital Curriculum

The Zones of Regulation Digital Curriculum, the next evolution of the original best-selling book by Leah Kuypers, offers a comprehensive approach to help learners ages 4 and older understand and manage their emotions effectively.

Inside the Digital Curriculum, you’ll find ready-to-go Interactive Presentations with videos and animations, a step-by-step Guide, a library full of brand-new visuals, and differentiated activities. All content has been updated to reflect a decade of innovation and research.

Subscribers, click here to log in to the Digital Curriculum.

Getting Into The Zones of Regulation is the must-have print companion to The Zones of Regulation Digital Curriculum, including foundational knowledge and implementation guidance needed to teach the Zones with fidelity.

This guide orients you to the next evolution of The Zones of Regulation theory and methods and can be used in two ways:

  • to prepare you to teach the Digital Curriculum, or
  • to update your practices for those who already have the original Zones of Regulation Curriculum book.
Purchasers of Getting Into the Zones of Regulation receive access to Concept 1 of the Digital Curriculum.