Building My Zones Toolbox

In Concept 8 (C8), we deepen our understanding of regulation tools, noticing our body signals to reflect on the impact a tool is having on our regulation. We also introduce the Tool of the Week. This structured practice provides a routine for exploring a new tool each week, giving learners multiple practice opportunities to try out the tool and gauge its effect. As we explore new regulation tools, learners are given agency to determine which ones work well for them. In the Group Activity, learners make their own personalized Zones Toolbox to support them in organizing and using regulation tools.

Note that this concept is longer, so you may want to break it up. Here’s a suggestion for teaching this concept in three sessions:
  • I can reflect on how a tool helps me regulate.
  • I can share a helpful tool from each Zone in my toolbox.

Concept 8 Guide

Interactive Presentation

Check for Learning


Geared Activities

Gear 1

Exploring Sensory Tools
Tool Talk
Zones Board Game

Gear 2

Different Tools for Different Places
Teach a Tool
Tools for my Triggers and Sparks

Gear 3

Design Your Own Toolbox
Types of Tools
Interview Others

Zones Visuals

Common Regulation Tools Icons
Tool of the Week Icons
Toolbox Booklet
Zones Toolbox (Attach)
Zones Toolbox (Write)
Toolbox Communication Board
Tools for Each of My Zones
Tool Tickets
Zones Tool Reflection (Attach)
Zones Tool Reflection (Write)
Zones Tool Reflection (Write)