What is a Regulation Tool?

The goal of Concept 7 (C7) is to introduce the learners to what regulation tools are and how they can help to regulate each Zone. First, learners discover that regulation tools are likely within and around them, such as taking a deep breath, asking for help, water bottles, fidgets, etc. An essential element of The Zones Climate is building awareness that tools look and feel different for each of us, depending on our physiology, culture, identity, and lived experience; there are no prescribed tools for a particular Zone. It’s important to carefully observe, name, and model the tools you and your learners are already using. Learners use The Zones of Regulation to categorize tools into a Zones Toolbox. In the Group Activity, you and your learners will build a Community Zones Toolbox of common regulation tools within your setting. (Learners will build a personal regulation toolbox in C8.)

  • I can identify common regulation tools around me.
  • I can use The Zones of Regulation to categorize regulation tools.

Concept 7 Guide

Interactive Presentation

Group Activity

Check for Learning


Geared Activities

Gear 1

Musical Tools
Tap the Toolbox
Types of Tools

Gear 2

Color-Coding Regulation Tools
Reading About Regulation Tools
Tools Around and Within Us

Gear 3

Role Play Regulation
Calling on Connections
Role Models Regulate Presentation

Zones Visuals

Common Regulation Tools Icons
Community Zones Toolbox