Situations that Trigger and Spark

In Concept 6 (C6), learners will gain awareness of situations that impact their regulation, categorizing them into “triggers” and “sparks.” Triggers include unwelcome events and sensations that cause us to have less comfortable feelings, such as worried, angry, embarrassed, or annoyed. Understanding our triggers helps us to attend to our regulation when we encounter them. We also explore sparks, which are welcome events or sensations that provoke strong feelings of joy, such as giddiness, excitement, elation, etc. Although our sparks are enjoyable, they also can cause us to feel less regulated, such as when we are excited to partner with a friend on a project but can’t focus to be successful. By deepening this situational awareness, learners can better predict and prepare for triggers and sparks, develop a plan for regulating in these situations, and become more adept and confident at advocating for themselves.

  • I can notice and describe the situation around me (when, where, what, who).
  • I can name at least two of my triggers and two of my sparks.

Concept 6 Guide

Interactive Presentation

Group Activity

Check for Learning


Geared Activities

Gear 1

Colorful Situations
Sorting Triggers and Sparks
Situation Treasure Hunt

Gear 2

Sensing My Triggers and Sparks
Silly Situations
Triggers and Sparks Mobile

Gear 3

Sensing My Situation
Tales of Triggers
Planning for Triggers and Sparks

Zones Visuals

Trigger and Spark Labels