My Signals, My Zones

In Concept 4 (C4), learners explore the body signals and sensations that relate to their feelings—also known as the interoceptive sense. The brain perceives the physiological cues and sensations in the body before it catches up and labels the emotion. These cues or signals alert us that our feelings are changing. For example, you sense the tension in your neck and jaw and recognize you’re stressed, or you feel the flutter of butterflies in your stomach and identify you are nervous. For many learners who have difficulty naming their emotions, learning to tune into their body signals can be an entry point for building self-awareness. Noticing our body signals is also a basic mindfulness practice, giving us a moment to integrate our body, mind, and emotional state. As we build this interoceptive awareness, we can identify our feelings and Zones with greater ease, and more readily notice when we are becoming less regulated. This self-awareness is foundational to self-regulation. For a deeper exploration of interoception, we recommend Kelly Mahler’s The Interoception Curriculum (2019).

Note that this concept is longer, so you might want to break up the instructional delivery. Here’s a suggestion of how you can deliver it in two 30-minute increments:
  • I can name at least one body signal I feel when I am in each Zone. 
  • I can explain how body signals, Zones, and emotions are all connected.

Concept 4 Guide

Concept 4 Guide

Interactive Presentation

Concept 4 Interactive Presentation

Check for Learning


Concept 4 Bridge

Group Activities/Geared Activities

Gear 1

Gear 1, Me In My Zones Booklet
Me In My Zones Booklet (Gear 1)

Gear 2

Gear 2, Me In My Zones Booklet
Me In My Zones Booklet (Gear 2)

Gear 3

Gear 3, Me In My Zones Booklet
Me In My Zones Booklet (Gear 3)

Zones Visuals

Visual, Four Zones Body Signals
Four Zones Body Signals
Visual, Four Zones Body Signals Addon
Four Zones Body Signals Addon
Visual, Four Zones Body Signals (Text only)
Four Zones Body Signals (Text only)