All The Zones Are Okay

In Concept 3 (C3), we build upon the understanding of the four Zones of Regulation to learn that all the Zones–and all our feelings–are okay. The instructional activities are designed to build an acceptance of our wide range of feelings and Zones, and an awareness of how these will change as we experience different situations. We build the foundation for social awareness and perspective-taking by exploring how people experience a variety of feelings and views within a situation. As a Zones leader, acknowledge, accept, and support learners’ feelings in all Zones without valuing one Zone over another. This is essential to building the Zones Climate. For example, do not make anyone feel as if the Green Zone is the expectation or superior, or that the Red Zone is bad or wrong. To support learners in developing an awareness of a full range of feelings and differing perspectives, make sure to model and share appropriate situations when you are in the Blue, Yellow, and Red Zones. This will help to normalize that All the Zones Are Okay.

  • I can connect my feelings and Zones with real-life situations. 
  • I can give an example of how people have different feelings and perspectives in a situation.

Concept 3 Guide

Concept 3 Guide

Interactive Presentation

Concept 3 Interactive Presentation

Check for Learning

Concept 3 Check for Learning


Concept 3 Bridge

Geared Activities

Gear 1

Gear 1, All My Zones Are Okay Poster
All My Zones Are Okay Poster
Gear 1, Emotion or Behavior
Emotion or Behavior
Visual, Situation Sort
Situation Sort

Gear 2

Gear 2, Act and Analyze
Act and Analyze
Gear 2, Feelings Before Behavior
Feelings Before Behavior
Gear 2, Polling Perspectives
Polling Perspectives
Gear 2. Predicting My Zones
Predicting My Zones

Gear 3

Gear 3, Zones in the News, Situation Comic, Moment Memoir
Zones in the News
Situation Comic
Moment Memoir

Zones Visuals

Visual, Four Zones (full page, three emotions)
The Four Zones (full-page three)
Visual, Four Zones (full page, six emotions)
The Four Zones (full-page six)